Mo News, November 2005

The last four weeks have been full of special events getting us Mosaics out in the community. It has been one weekend after another of out-of-the-ordinary ministry, and I think this will pay off big time for the Kingdom. We’ve been sowing good seed in the neighborhood in a variety of ways starting with, of all things, a Halloween Safety Carnival put on by the Little Rock Police Department. Mosaic was the only church invited to help with the carnival which featured many game booths, free food and a peak inside various police and fire department vehicles. About 13 Mosaics helped run the fun with booths like guess-the-slimy-thing-in-the-box, candy in a haystack, and a few Batman piñatas for the children to unleash some stress upon. While letting them feast upon mountains of candy, their parents were given info on Mosaic and invited to attend our Sunday services.

The next weekend, Mosaic, Fellowship Student Ministries, and many other area youth ministries helped execute the last stop of the Livin It Tour, a skate/bmx demo outreach with host Stephen Baldwin (yes, the actor) as well as some incredibly talented professional skaters and bmx-ers. There were many amazing feats accomplished that day, but the most amazing thing was that approximately 300 people were reconciled to God through a newfound faith in Jesus Christ!
For the last several months a growing number of young men have met with me on Sunday nights for discipleship. This month we began an inductive study of the book of Malachi. This intense dissection of scripture has had a profound impact on all of us, and God is kicking our backsides with His truth! What a challenging message from God! In four weeks, we have just finished chapter 1 on the blemished sacrifices of the priests. We have been struck by God’s rebuke to His people that they should not even bother bringing half-hearted sacrifices to His altar (1:10). This time together has deepened our relationships with each other and strengthened our resolve to give the Lord 100% in every aspect of our lives. Amazing what you can learn when you truly seek to understand what you read! :)

Last Sunday, Mosaic's morning service concluded early and most of the congregation re-gathered across the street in front of the old K-mart building for a prayer walk. There were 5 prayer stations that people split into and rotated in 5 minute intervals to petition the Lord for a permanent home in the same area that we're currently in. Please join with us in prayer that the Lord would provide us with a home in such a miraculous way that only He can receive credit and honor for it.
On a personal note, I began a new project a few weeks ago. It's called After stumbling my way through a tutorial in Dreamweaver 4, I learned enough about web design to be dangerous. :) Take a look and feel free to comment on the (B)LOG page to say hi.
I can’t say (or write) this enough, but THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE SUPPORTED ME AND PRAYED FOR ME OVER THE LAST TWO YEARS! You all deserve a standing ovation.
Thanks for reading!
Blessings and Grace,
Rob <><