Mo News from Rob McBryde ~ April 2006
Hey Friends,
Is it April already??? WOW! March was a blink and full of wonderful God-things. First, I will recap some highlights of March and then share a glimpse of what's ahead in April.
March 5th - I ran in the Little Rock 5K Fun Run just prior to the Little Rock Marathon. For someone who was considering skipping the event altogether, I was quite pleased with my time of 32:30. As much as I complain to my wife about being out of shape, I am so thankful to God for a healthy body that can jog 3.2 miles without stopping. The 5K really put all the verses about running the race as to win the prize into perspective. It takes determination, pain and hard work, as well as the sustaining grace of God to run that race.

March 11th - We had a garage sale for the Blocker family who moved to north Africa at the end of March. Two goals for this sale were to get rid of a lot of their stuff as they will be gone for two years and to raise money for their 7 plane tickets to the mission field. Gordon Blocker approached me in January about this task, and I gladly took it on as a personal challenge to raise most, if not all, of the money needed. Gordon hoped to get about $2500 from the sale which would cover over half of the $4000 needed for the airfare. At the end of the garage sale on that Saturday, we had collected over $4100! Praise be to God!
March 16th - Ines and I took a roadtrip with the Blocker 7 to get them and their 21 50-lb bags to Dallas. This was a great time of talking with Gordon in the car about his Jesus-following experiences, marriage, and walking in faith. We will definitely miss the Blockers while they're gone, but we can't wait to hear all about the Kingdom-work they are a part of in north Africa.

March 31-April 2 - Just last weekend, the MoYAs had our 3rd annual Spring Encounter retreat to Castle Bluff. This was undoubtedly the BEST one I've ever been on! The Lord was at work all weekend on the young adults, work crew, and our teachers. The theme of the weekend was Get Smart (yes, like the TV show), and our teachers Hubert and Treopia Bryant taught on foolishness and wisdom according to the Bible. It was an extremely challenging weekend, and on Saturday night during our worship time God moved mightily among us bringing many to tears, repentance, deliverance, and freedom. Again I say, PRAISE BE TO GOD!

April 3rd - The new Mosaic Church website is finally done! Check it out at! I would love to hear your feedback on this labor of love that has been in the works since Sept. 2005. Be gentle. ;)
Coming up in April...
April 9 - Conclusion of Disciple-Makers' Training. Ines is teaching on Intercultural Competency.
April 12 - Passover Seder Meal at Mosaic (hosted by the MoYAs)
April 14 - Good Friday service at Mosaic
April 16 - Easter service at Mosaic
April 25 - the MoYAs' first Tuesday Evening Dinner at a new location.
April 27-29 - Ethnic Workers' Summit in Atlanta (all Mosaic staff is going!)
Thank you always for your prayers!
Rob <><
Is it April already??? WOW! March was a blink and full of wonderful God-things. First, I will recap some highlights of March and then share a glimpse of what's ahead in April.
March 5th - I ran in the Little Rock 5K Fun Run just prior to the Little Rock Marathon. For someone who was considering skipping the event altogether, I was quite pleased with my time of 32:30. As much as I complain to my wife about being out of shape, I am so thankful to God for a healthy body that can jog 3.2 miles without stopping. The 5K really put all the verses about running the race as to win the prize into perspective. It takes determination, pain and hard work, as well as the sustaining grace of God to run that race.

March 11th - We had a garage sale for the Blocker family who moved to north Africa at the end of March. Two goals for this sale were to get rid of a lot of their stuff as they will be gone for two years and to raise money for their 7 plane tickets to the mission field. Gordon Blocker approached me in January about this task, and I gladly took it on as a personal challenge to raise most, if not all, of the money needed. Gordon hoped to get about $2500 from the sale which would cover over half of the $4000 needed for the airfare. At the end of the garage sale on that Saturday, we had collected over $4100! Praise be to God!
March 16th - Ines and I took a roadtrip with the Blocker 7 to get them and their 21 50-lb bags to Dallas. This was a great time of talking with Gordon in the car about his Jesus-following experiences, marriage, and walking in faith. We will definitely miss the Blockers while they're gone, but we can't wait to hear all about the Kingdom-work they are a part of in north Africa.

March 31-April 2 - Just last weekend, the MoYAs had our 3rd annual Spring Encounter retreat to Castle Bluff. This was undoubtedly the BEST one I've ever been on! The Lord was at work all weekend on the young adults, work crew, and our teachers. The theme of the weekend was Get Smart (yes, like the TV show), and our teachers Hubert and Treopia Bryant taught on foolishness and wisdom according to the Bible. It was an extremely challenging weekend, and on Saturday night during our worship time God moved mightily among us bringing many to tears, repentance, deliverance, and freedom. Again I say, PRAISE BE TO GOD!

April 3rd - The new Mosaic Church website is finally done! Check it out at! I would love to hear your feedback on this labor of love that has been in the works since Sept. 2005. Be gentle. ;)
Coming up in April...
April 9 - Conclusion of Disciple-Makers' Training. Ines is teaching on Intercultural Competency.
April 12 - Passover Seder Meal at Mosaic (hosted by the MoYAs)
April 14 - Good Friday service at Mosaic
April 16 - Easter service at Mosaic
April 25 - the MoYAs' first Tuesday Evening Dinner at a new location.
April 27-29 - Ethnic Workers' Summit in Atlanta (all Mosaic staff is going!)
Thank you always for your prayers!
Rob <><
Great work on the labor of love and redesign of ! It's an interesting mix of Flash and HTML; I'm willing to bet it to tons of work on the Flash menus and dynamic graphics on the top nav menu! :)
I like it Rob. Even an old person like me can navigate it. :) Seriously tho, it looks great and is very user friendly! .....Marie
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