Wednesday, March 16, 2005

As Donkey said in Shrek, "Let's do that again!"

We had The Gathering at our house last night. For me it was a much needed time of singing praises to God with some wonderful people. There were 12 of us and we lifted up some loud and beautiful songs in our living room. The energy in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. (One could say that was the Holy Spirit hanging out with us in power.) Rachel played guitar and led us in some of my favorite worship songs. Inés and I were so happy to use the home that the Lord provided us in this way -- to invite others to worship Him. The Gathering gets better and better each month. As Candy said, once a month is not enough. As Ramón said, we could worhsip Him spontaneously. I agree. Let's do that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear God is working in you guys...He continues to blow me away even though my trip has been over for almost 2 weeks now. I can't wait to come back out and connect with you guys again man.

11:07 PM  

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