Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Mo News from Rob McBryde, Issue 14, November 2004

Greetings, friends!

Where did this year go? Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Christmas is on the horizon! During this jam-packed time of the year, it is good to stop and reflect on the things we are thankful for. Here is what I am most thankful for: God’s grace in my life, His sovereignty and loving kindness; a supportive mother, father and sister; a job that I love at Mosaic working with youth and young adults; my wife-to-be Inés Velásquez (What a blessing she is to me!); my soon-to-be familia Velásquez; God’s kingdom work being accomplished at Mosaic; and a healthy body and mind.

By the time Issue 15 is hot off the press, I will be a happily married man! Thank you to all who have supported me with prayers and offerings during this faith journey over the last 16 months. Some day I will be able to write an entire book about how God has demonstrated his love and sovereignty so vividly in my life. You have played a role in that story. Thank you!


Rob McBryde <><


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