Mo News, Issue 20, September '05
Greetings! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is a pictoral newsletter to show you some of the events I've experienced over the last four weeks. I hope they are not only visually stimulating to you, but also a blessing. Enjoy!

The view from the WGO mission house balcony.

Same view, but at night.

The Mosaic team in Honduras doing some site seeing.

Shopping in Honduras...lots of colorful ceramics!

The people waiting in line at the first medical brigade site.

Ines assisting a Honduran dentist.

De-licing and washing the children's hair.

Faces of the people. So beautiful!

My mom LOVED the kids!

Our team at WGO's Rancho Ebenezer.

More beautiful faces.

Coffee field at Rancho Ebenezer.

Ines and I pray for a woman after she receives some medical attention.

The entire team, Mosaics and all!
Stats for the Week:
Evangelism Report:
First time decisions……………..79
Children/Christ story …………. 420
Rejections ………….……………27
Christians ...…………………... 404
Clinic report:
Dental ………………………….163
Medical ……………………...1,517
After Honduras, Ines and I were blessed by a week of vacation in her home country of Nicaragua. We visited her family and friends, ate lots of gallo pinto (rice and beans), and saw many beautiful sites such as an active volcano, Lake Apoyo, and Lake Nicaragua. See the pics below to see what we saw.

Below, Dr. Terrence Roberts and the other Little Rock 9 unveil the statues at the State Capital that commemorate the first nine black students to intergrate into Little Rock Central High School in 1957.

Below, Nigeria and Zambia united Saturday, Sept. 3rd in the wedding ceremony of Yetty and Mac. The night before they had their traditional tribal ceremony where Mac offered a formal proposal to Yetty's family as well as the dowry and some other humbling rituals such as laying prostrate on the floor along with his groomsmen to show respect to the bride's family. It was a rich evening of singing, praising and thanking God, and seeing two families come together.

It was an eventful summer, and all of the staff at Mosaic are looking forward to our church's fourth full year of ministry beginning this month. We are anxious and excited to see what God is going to do in and through our body at Mosaic.
Be blessed!
Rob McBryde <><

The view from the WGO mission house balcony.

Same view, but at night.

The Mosaic team in Honduras doing some site seeing.

Shopping in Honduras...lots of colorful ceramics!

The people waiting in line at the first medical brigade site.

Ines assisting a Honduran dentist.

De-licing and washing the children's hair.

Faces of the people. So beautiful!

My mom LOVED the kids!

Our team at WGO's Rancho Ebenezer.

More beautiful faces.

Coffee field at Rancho Ebenezer.

Ines and I pray for a woman after she receives some medical attention.

The entire team, Mosaics and all!
Stats for the Week:
Evangelism Report:
First time decisions……………..79
Children/Christ story …………. 420
Rejections ………….……………27
Christians ...…………………... 404
Clinic report:
Dental ………………………….163
Medical ……………………...1,517
After Honduras, Ines and I were blessed by a week of vacation in her home country of Nicaragua. We visited her family and friends, ate lots of gallo pinto (rice and beans), and saw many beautiful sites such as an active volcano, Lake Apoyo, and Lake Nicaragua. See the pics below to see what we saw.

Below, Dr. Terrence Roberts and the other Little Rock 9 unveil the statues at the State Capital that commemorate the first nine black students to intergrate into Little Rock Central High School in 1957.

Below, Nigeria and Zambia united Saturday, Sept. 3rd in the wedding ceremony of Yetty and Mac. The night before they had their traditional tribal ceremony where Mac offered a formal proposal to Yetty's family as well as the dowry and some other humbling rituals such as laying prostrate on the floor along with his groomsmen to show respect to the bride's family. It was a rich evening of singing, praising and thanking God, and seeing two families come together.

It was an eventful summer, and all of the staff at Mosaic are looking forward to our church's fourth full year of ministry beginning this month. We are anxious and excited to see what God is going to do in and through our body at Mosaic.
Be blessed!
Rob McBryde <><
WOW! What a month you've had! God has truly blessed you. (And I'm blessed to have you as my brother.) Love you!
Thanks so much for the newsletter link! Our Honduras experience for service to the Lord was returned manyfold to each of us.
And Nebraska/Iowa enjoyed meeting and serving with Mosaic from Little Rock... Blessings on your coming year. - Colleen C., Nebraska
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