Look What The Storm Knocked Down...

I woke up this morning to find this hanging between my house and the neighbor's house. Let's just say that I am very very very thankful to God for striking this tree down so precisely as to not cause any damage to anything! (except the tree) :)
wowzzers and golly gee wizz. that is freaking awsome and a little scary. glad that is all that happened....
I watched the lightening as it came closer and closer to my house... and then the storm apparently skipped right over my side of town. GOSH.
Oh, what I would have done to become a storm chaser.
UPDATE: My neighbor Steve and his dad broke out the chainsaw, dismantled the fallen wood, and the 3 of us helped it fall to the ground...not without landing on top of my fence though. :( Fortunately, it did no harm to my lovely fence (Thanks to Elpidio Galvan and crew!). So no more tree...just a lot of sawdust and firewood. Thanks, again, God for your strong winds blowing in the exact direction it needed to to avoid our houses!
PS. Turns out the tree was rotten to the core even though it had lots of green leafy branches. Hmmm...looks healthy on the outside, but dead on the inside....Can anyone think of a spiritual parallel? ;)
Omigosh!!! I am so glad that nothing happened to you guys...! That is terrible! but it sounds like a happy ending in the end...See you guys tomorrow!!!aes
That is unreal! At least it'd s cool picture though!!!! ;-)
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